Thursday, October 29, 2009

I'm 'avin that

A wee bit ago. I learned through The Fred Cast of the existence of the VeloCast. A podcast put on by two Scotts (well one is Scott the other is John).

I very much enjoy this show. I find John and Scott knowledgeable and insightful. One of the things I do when listening to these podcasts is to try to put a face with the voice. Now in many instances I have seen a photo of the podcast host or guests The Fred Cast above, Tim (The MASI Guy) Jackson, Richard Fritz Masoner.

Now Scott and John have been very cagey. I have looked through the pictures they have put up and haven't managed to pick them out for certain. So that leaves my imagination with a lot room to work.

Now, as near as I can tell. The basic format of the show is that both find content to discuss and then Scott will present the subject and then John will give his thoughts. This works for them.

Anyway, the images that have been put in my head because of this are that John is or can be very curmudgeonly (like Waldorf) and Scott is the techie nice guy (like Scooter).

Now all of this is said with the utmost respect. I really do enjoy their show and have laughed out loud when listening at work. (much to the amusement to those around me).

So until such a time as I see a photo of them, I'll be keeping the image above in mind.
